You know the drill by now, folks - this is our killmail of the week bounty.
We want to see the video of your best PvP or PvE kill from the last seven days, though if it's a couple of days older, we won't disqualify you. 'Best' could mean prettiest, cleverest, most unique, most creative, or anything in between. Include the killmail and a little text for context. The best will win $10.
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$10 / 10
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This reward closed to entries at 12:41pm on November 6, 2023 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
Today I submit to you a running meme in PANDAFAM (Winter Co. and PH), something that we have properly named as "reverse hot dropping". You see, coventional hot dropping consists in dropping our fleet ON A TARGET using a hunter, howerver this time we use the hunter with a spy character in a Black Ops with a covert jump portal generator to conduit a shiny black ops from a keepstar ON OUR FLEET what we call the killzone. This gurantees that the BLOPS in question can't light a cyno in range/in time to get a responce fleet plus is incredibly funny how by using this tactic the targets are not safe even in tether. Keep in mind that a single Marshal fitted can cost easily 12 bill, and we reverse dropped several in this video. Enjoy
"Tackle Thanny" - the two words any FC wants to hear. Keacte called for a freeburn to the destination to engage the Thanatos that had moonwalked out of the anomoly to the supposed comfort of the station.
Unfortunately, not this time. As the Thanatos dropped out of warp Rev was there to catch him and call the fleet in. Not managing to tether in time, Rev once again provided the goods for the evening, and got us this tasty escalation which i still can't quite fathom!
Rev held the tackle for a good few minutes as we initiated warp to his location in J-OKOC. As we dropped out of warp we had a fight on our hands. The Thanatos was already placing Rev under pressure; we managed to push the hostile sabre off grid with ease, and then started applying our damage. We were a mid size fleet - i believe 26 in total - a mixture of combat interceptors (the Raptor was the flavour of choice) and slowly began whittling him down.
The principle thing in a fight like this is to get there, and kill the target before the support and or cyno can come in to bring the support in to push us off the target.In this instance, it took only a few minutes or so for the Thanatos to die much to the glee of the FC!
& then something odd started happening... they started to slowly but surely drip feed us kills... one by one, another ship dropped into engage us, and then another and then another...
First the mining fleet landed and then a caracal, then an Ishtar, so we took the opportunity to kill the cruiser and HAC, and then moved to kill the Hulks and then a Paladin and a Sleipnir warped in.... speechless.